Business Diagnosis

We developed an innovative tool enabling us to conduct a comprehensive business diagnosis for firms and businesses.

The diagnosis is based on examination of approximately 60 functional parameters and provides the manager /owner of the firm tools for changing and adjusting activity characteristics to achieve better business results. The diagnosis results are presented clearly and allow managerial conclusions to be drawn easily. The manager can make operative decisions based on the findings of the diagnosis.

The diagnostic tool will soon be uploaded to a dedicated site. Until the diagnostic tool is uploaded, a business diagnosis can be conducted by direct advance coordination.

The system takes in the evaluation indicators you supplied, processes them and makes an adjusted calculation of all the components and then presents an comprehensive result. The primary finding is represented by a vector that starts from the beginning of the axes (theoretically can make a 360 degree turn). Your evaluation indicators for the various parameters are those that determine the direction of the vector and the derived business-marketing strategy.

The axes divide the space in four areas.  These areas represent the recommendations of strategy to be adopted.

In the system of axes there are 4 areas that represent a recommendation to be adopted.

Aggressive flourishing and growth policy.

Initiated and active competitive policy.

Defensive policy.

Careful and conservative policy.

General explanation concerning the existence of the recommended strategy vector in:

The upper right quarter:

Represents firms with financial capability, with a clear competitive advantage, operating in a competitive field, but are in a state of growth. These firms are supposed to operate aggressively to increase their strength and market share at the expense of their competitors.

The lower right quarter

Represents firms operating in a market/area without growth, a competitive market (where numerous competitors are operating), sometimes the area of activity is unstable and unattractive. The firms operate in the market with creativity while displaying initiative and innovation, (4P) requiring operation of a variety of marketing tools (mainly in the field of marketing). It is recommended not to operate on the basis of prices and special offers that affect profits and profitability.

The lower left quarter

Represents firms that are financially weak, lacking in competitive advantages, operating in an unattractive market/area (and even with a predictions of downsizing/cutbacks. For firms operating with characteristics like these, it is recommended to operate at a “low profile” to avoid arousing aggressive competitors.

The upper left quarter

Represents firms operating in a stable market/area (without predicted growth and sometimes even in a market where moderate negative growth is predicted). The firms operating in this area have financial capabilities, but lack perceptible competitive advantages. For these firms it is highly recommended to conduct a series of processes to focus on identified segments of consumers, while acquiring competitive advantages (technological / functional / service-oriented …)